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Plinski sublimator web SLO

Plinski sublimator web SLO

3M™ GoggleGear™ Safety Goggles 2890: Full Vision Goggles, Suitable for Use in Sublimation of Oxalic Acid
Large profile 3M™ GoggleGear™ Safety Goggles range, with enough space to fit over most prescription glasses.
Acetate lens for improved chemical resistance.
24.79 € 24.79 EUR
Kemper Supergas 600ml
Supergas cartridge mix propane 30% / butane 70% with 7/16″ external safety valve. Resistant to low T°.
4.96 € 4.96 EUR
3M™ ABE1 Gas and Vapour Filters 6057 - 2 pack
ABE1 Gas and Vapour Filters 6057 protect against organic vapours

2 filters in one package!
18.84 € 18.84 EUR